نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار مددکاری اجتماعی، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی؛ تهران، ایران

2 کارشناسی ارشد مددکاری اجتماعی، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی؛ تهران، ایران


پژوهش حاضر با هدف واکاوی تجربه سالمندان از خشونت خانگی و چگونگی مواجهه با آن انجام شده است. روش پژوهش کیفی است. افراد مشارکت‌کننده، 18 نفر از سالمندان دارای تجربه خشونت خانگی در شهر دهدشت هستند که به روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند انتخاب شده‌اند. روش گردآوری اطلاعات، مصاحبه عمیق نیمه‌ساختاریافته بوده و برای تحلیل اطلاعات از تکنیک تحلیل مضمون بهره گرفته شده است. نتایج به‌دست‌آمده نشان‌دهنده سه مضمون اصلی شامل خشونت متنوع (آزار فیزیکی، روانی، مسامحه و بهره‌کشی مالی)، رکود احساسی و روابط آسیب‌زا (طرد انتخابی و درهم‌شکستگی درونی) و راهبرد غالب انفعال و تسلیم در مواجهه با خشونت است. آموزش خانواده‌ها در خصوص نحوه تعامل مناسب با سالمندان، آشنایی با نیازها و نحوه مراقبت از آن‌ها، فراهم کردن زمینه تعامل سالمندان با یکدیگر و جامعه به منظور کاهش انزوا و طرد اجتماعی، اختصاص خط مشاوره تلفنی ویژه سالمندان و اطلاع‌رسانی در این زمینه، تشکیل بانک جامع اطلاعات سالمندان و شناسایی سالمندان در معرض آسیب و خشونت و انجام مداخلات حرفه‌ای توسط مددکاران اجتماعی از جمله توصیه‌های سیاستی مؤثر در پیشگیری و کاهش سالمندآزاری است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analyzing the Experience of Elderly Victims of Domestic Violence and Suggesting Policy Recommendations

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mansour Fathi 1
  • Asiyeh Madahipour 2

1 Associate Professor of social work, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A in Social work, Faculty of social sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

چکیده [English]

The present study was done with the aim of analyzing the experience of the elderly from domestic violence and how to face it. The research method is qualitative. The participants were 18 elderly people with experience of domestic violence in Dehdasht city who were selected through purposive sampling. The data collection method was a semi-structured in-depth interview and thematic analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The obtained results revealed three main themes of diverse violence (physical, mental, neglect and financial exploitation), emotional stagnation and traumatic relationships and the (dominant) strategy of passivity and submission in the face of violence shows. Educating families on how to properly interact with the elderly, getting to know their needs and how to take care of them, providing a context for the elderly to interact with each other and the society and reducing their isolation and social exclusion, assigning a telephone consultation line for the elderly and providing information in this field, forming a bank Comprehensive information on the elderly and identification of the elderly at risk of injury and violence and professional interventions by social workers are among the effective policy recommendations in preventing and reducing elder abuse.
Keywords: Lived Experience, Elder Abuse, Domestic Violence, Social Problem, Policy Recommendation.


The escalating global aging population, coupled with evolving family structures and functions, has created a conducive environment for elder abuse. Elder abuse encompasses physical, neglectful, financial, or psychological mistreatment, resulting in detrimental consequences for the elderly such as decreased self-esteem, despair, and physical and mental health issues. Given the rising trend of the elderly population in Iran, the city of Dehdasht is no exception. This is necessary to focus on the needs and rights of this group. Although the number of elderly care facilities has increased in recent years, due to prevailing cultural norms and the social stigma associated with institutionalizing the elderly, only a small portion of the capacity of the sole elderly care facility in Dehdasht is occupied. Considering that elder abuse in Iran often remains hidden due to cultural factors and the occurrence of abuse within the privacy of homes by family members, and has not received sufficient attention from experts, policymakers, and support organizations. This study aims to explore the elderly's experiences of domestic violence and their coping mechanisms.

Conceptual framework

Since domestic violence is perpetrated within families by caregivers of the elderly, it is essential to consider the nature of these relationships. The social-ecological theory, which examines individual interactions and societal relationships and how they influence health, is one such theory. Structural theory of the family focuses on the structure and organization of families and the role of each member. Intergenerational violence theory can also provide insights, suggesting that perpetrators of elder abuse may have been victims of abuse themselves or witnessed abusive behaviour in their own families. Finally, the life course theory posits that to better understand the elderly, we must engage with them effectively and consider their past lives through life story reviews.


This qualitative study involved 18 elderly individuals from Dehdasht with experiences of domestic violence, who were selected through purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria included: alertness and willingness to participate, ability to communicate, age 60 or older, absence of psychological disorders, and a history of being abused by family members. Data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews, and thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. In order to comply with the ethical principles, the necessary information regarding the objectives of the research, preservation of anonymity and personal identity, and the right to withdraw from the research were provided to the participants.


The data analysis showed that most participants faced significant financial difficulties and had low incomes. A majority of the interviewees were widows. Additionally, many were illiterate. A total of 73 initial codes were derived from the interviews, which were eventually categorized into 10 subthemes and ultimately three main themes. The main themes identified were diverse forms of abuse (physical, psychological, neglect, and financial exploitation), emotional stagnation and damaged relationships (selective rejection and internal fragmentation), and the predominant coping strategy of passivity and submission in the face of abuse.


The findings from the elderly's lived experiences of domestic violence indicate that their lives are marked by suffering. The presence of physical, psychological, neglectful, and financial abuse inflicted by family members results in significant physical, psychological, emotional, and financial pain. Moral and ethical deviations within society and between generations have led to a distorted understanding of relationships between the elderly and their children. The elderly have lived in a moral-cultural framework that differs significantly from contemporary Iranian society in transition. As a result, respect for the elderly have been replaced by a more rational approach that does not prioritize respect for the elderly, conflicting with the elderly's expectations of a respectful moral code. This conflict ultimately causes distress for the elderly.
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that most elderly individuals adopt a passive and submissive stance towards their families' abuse. This may be attributed to feelings of powerlessness, physical weakness, low levels of awareness, and religious beliefs. Physical and mental weakness can contribute to submission to the demands and abuse of family members. Educating families about how to interact appropriately with the elderly, understanding their needs and how to care for them, creating opportunities for the elderly to interact with each other and society, reducing social isolation and rejection, establishing a special telephone helpline for the elderly and providing information in this regard, creating a comprehensive database of the elderly, identifying elderly individuals at risk of abuse and violence, and conducting professional interventions by social workers are among the most effective policy recommendations for preventing and reducing elder abuse.
The authors thank all participants in this study.
Contribution of authors
All authors have been actively involved in writing all sections of this article.
This article was written independently and no financial support was received from any organization to write it.
Conflict of interest
 According to the authors, there is no conflict of interest in this article.
Principles of research ethics
Researchers in this study followed all the principles of research ethics in all stages

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Lived Experience
  • Elder Abuse
  • Domestic Violence
  • Social Problem
  • Policy Recommendation
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استناد به این مقاله: فتحی،  منصور.، مداحی پور، آسیه. (1403). واکاوی تجربه سالمندان قربانی خشونت خانگی و ارائه توصیه‌های سیاستی، فصلنامه علوم اجتماعی، 31(104)، 155-190.   DOI: 10.22054/qjss.2024.81164.2812
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