Document Type : Research Paper
The main question of this research was whether there is any relationship between delinquent behavior and the religiosity of the university students. The objective was to find out the relation between social delinquency and religion. To find out the answers to the above question two randomly selected groups of students were compared. There were 117 delinqeunt students in the study group and the same number of normal students in the control group. The data to test the hypothesis were collected through a questionnaire in addition to some obserration in the field. The data were analyzed wsing SPSS, and were done, wsing SPSS, by caparison of frequencies and Percentages, the Chi-square, Cramer's V and Kendall's Taub statistics. The results show that: A: Although majority of the students were religious, howe ner we found that the normal students were more religious than the delinquent students. B: Students' social class, as control variable, did not have any effect in the above result. C: The students' opinion towards the family life was another control variable. In the semi traditional group of students the above result between dependent and independent variables was found, but this was not the case in the modern group