Document Type : Research Paper



The main question of this research was whether there was any relation between delinquency and the educational status of the university students. Our specific objectives were to find out the relations between social delinquency and (a) educational achievements, (b) students' satisfaction from their field of study. To find out the answers to the above questions two statistically selected group of students were compared. There were 117 delinquent students in the study group and the same number of normal students in the control group. The data to test the hypotheses were collected through a questionnaire in addition to searching through documents and doing some observations in the field. The analysis of data was done by comparison of the frequencies and percentages, the Chi-square, Cramer's V and Kendall's Taub. The results show that: A: The educational achievements of the delinquent students - both before and after their acceptance in the university - and also their degree of satisfaction from their field of study was lower than the normal students. B: The quota system of acceptance did not have any effect in the results. C: In the affected group no relation was found between students' social class and their grade point average (G.P.A.), however, in the normal group we found that as the social class of the students increased, their (G.P.A.) also increased.
