Document Type : Research Paper
In this article, the writer first talks about the newly.found drawings and symbols of Teimareh and their themes. Then, he tries to answer a great deal of questions emerging in the minds of those who observe these drawings or read the reports about them: When, why and how the man was involved in artistry, including painting and engraving on the rocks? Who were the creators of the drawings and symbols seen on the Teirnareh rocks'? Were they _ as it is mostly believed _ shepherds, caravanians, passengers and like it? Why merely in special areas, such as beaches and the main branches of the rivers, these drawings and symbols are observed? Why are the patterns of mans and animals seen frequently? What was the objective of the creators of these patterns: to satisfy their aesthetic needs, to play upon rocks, or to do something seriously? Why are the patterns of the plants and domestic animals too ICM than those of wild animals? Why some of these patterns have been engraved repeatedly on each other'! When have they been created? How can we find the exact origins of these patterns, excluding comparison and guessing by means of contexts?