Document Type : Research Paper



In this article, we are going to explain remarkable changes in demographic trends of Iran, in the light of "the theory of demographic transition". At this stage of the research, the main findings are as follows: l. In pretransitional era, like any other countries at the same stage, fertility in Iran was relatively stable at a very high level and mortality flunctuated widely around the expected average close to the level of fertility. But, compared to the demographic conditions of Western and Northern European countries at the same stage, level of fertility and mortality in lran appears to be remarkably higher. 2.Mortality transition of Iran should have started early in this century (in persian calender). But, compared to the Western experience, mortality transition in Iran started much later and from a much higher level, proceeded much faster, and all of these changes until recently occured while,in contrast to the Western eexperience, fertility remained relatively stable at a very high level. 3.Fertility transition of Iran should have started recently following the end of the Iran Iraq.war. Compared to the experience of Western Europe and Northern America, fertility transition of Iran started at a much higher level and appears to proceed at a much more rapid pace.