Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D of Sociology, University of Bordeaux, France


The present research is aimed at understanding the experiences of Iranian women in France as immigrants regarding their body and dress norms. The study was conducted based on a comprehensive sociological analysis of the work of individuation of social actors and through a comprehensive survey and thematic analysis. Deep semi-structured talks were held with the participants, composed of 24 Iranian women aged between 26 to 42 years old who had been living between one to 15 years in France. The results indicate that there are four types of comprehension of the body, including comprehension of  the  body as an aesthetic, banal, emancipatory and sexual object. Also, three strategies were recognized including integration, differentiation and singularization in the immigration interview. In the process of making their feminine selves reach hegemonic feminity with their dressing codification, the women have different experiences ranging from adaptation to consistent syncretization of French and Iranian dressing codes and heterogeneous norms.


Main Subjects

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