Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology at Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 M. A. of Sociology, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The monopoly of political structure is one of the foundations of an authoritarian political system. According to many researchers and scholars, contemporary Iran, especially in the reign of first Pahlavi, showing the predominance of an authoritarian regime, with specific features and highlights of the monopoly of political structure, a phenomenon that, along with other features of the authoritarian system, has affected the fate and political culture of Iranian society. Attention and emphasis on this category form the basis of this research and the question of how many of the emergence and orientation of such a form of monopoly on political authoritarianism has been the main issue of the research. A problem that can be designed and pursued within the framework of socio-political analysis. The purpose of this study is to describe an intrinsic social reality, that is to say, to examine the nature of the monopoly of the political structure in the social and historical context of a particular era of individuality and a new era of oppression and repression. One of the most important achievements of this research is the recognition of one of the most fundamental mechanisms of the emergence of political authoritarianism as a modern model in contemporary Iran. How an authoritarian system subjugates the state's triple powers and seizes the realm of government and disperses the public sphere and suppresses civil organizations such as the parties and the press, and takes such institutions into their full control and control.
