Document Type : Research Paper



The main question of the research was as follows: "How much have the villagers of Ardebil, who were striken by earthquake, particpated in rebuilding the damaged areas, consideriny to their social, cultural, and economical traits"? To answer this question, descriptive research method (surveying) has been applied. All those families who were residents of the damaged villages (at least with %20 destruction rate) have been studied. Testing the hypothesises related to "participation" variable and the relevant variables, the following conclusions were reached: - the relationship between participation, and age, literacy, and health of the family heads was approaved; but, the relationship between participation and gender of the family heads was not approaved; - there was no difference between participation, the amount of the sown lands, and the kind of the land ownership; whereas, the difference between "participation" and the whole income of the family head was approaved; - relationship between participation and destruction rate of the houses was approaved; - those family heads who were more satisfied by the governmental aids claimed 

accordingly more participation;
- those family heads who were against reconstruction of the damaged regions did not participate in rebuilding these areas and vice versa.
Concerning these conclusions, the writer has posed a number of suggestions respectively.