Document Type : Research Paper


Although, the emergence of ethnic movements in Iran cannot be reduced merely to the role of the left movement, the left movement's role in Iran's ethnic areas is a significant reality for studying ethnic flows in Iran. Baluchestan is the one of these ethnic areas. During the Islamic Revolution, Baluchestan for the first time saw the emergence of left-wing groups and activities. The main founders of these groups were educated Baluches. According to the novelty of these groups, their founders and their demands, the lasting socio - political structures of Baluchestan, these groups in Baluchestan faced little attention and as a result their programs failed. In this article, an ethnic literature has been referred for theoretical explanation of the tendency of the ethnic groups to the left movement in Iran. After that, for understanding the factors of failure of the left movement in Baluchestan, the socio - political structures of Baluchestan as inappropriate context for the leftist groups’ activities since the formation of the Pahlavi modern state to the Islamic Revolution has been studied. The results of this study show that the power of the traditional elites and trends, strong relationships based on tribe and clan, low level of education, Urbanization weakness, small class of modern elites and the disproportionately strategy of the leftist groups, were the factors of the failure of the left movement in Baluchestan.


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