Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran Faculty of Social Sciences



In this article ,whith use concept of governance, we will consider the moments of shaping the minds and bodies of the society in the governance actions of Reza Khan's government, with emphasis on the two organizations for the cultivation of ideas and the scouting organization of Iran. . The antiquarian and racist discourses of pre-constitutional Iranian romantic nationalists and along and connected with it, the nationalist historiography of historians such as Hassan Pirnia , Iqbal and Nafisi in the governance actions of the first modern state of Iran. It is found and institutionalized and becomes the model of the government's action. the nationalist discourses of Iranian romantics, specifically in "Organization for the Cultivation of Thoughts" and "Iranian Scouting Organization" as the main habitats for guiding the behavior (governance) and building the world life of their subjects by discovering and identifying the disease of "Motherland" As the prehistory of the mental illness of the subjects and the education of the mind and body in the two mentioned organizations, it is in the direction of strengthening the "soul of the society" and "strengthening the strength of the nation" that the physicality of the society becomes an issue and becomes problematic.


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