Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Science and Technology, Assistant Professor in institute for Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies. Tehran, Iran



This article is in line with the efforts of researchers who have tried to eliminate the boundaries between cognitive science and social science. They have investigated the classic works of sociology and anthropology in order to extract concepts which are useful in creating a common language between these two fields . Among these fundamental concepts is "Habitus", which is said to have been first proposed by Marcel Mauss and later developed in other social science traditions. Relying on embodied cognition approach, which is one of the theories in cognitive science that emphasizes on the interaction between the Mind, Body, and Environment and by providing four interpretations of embodied cognition, the present research have studied, with a descriptive-analytical method, the concept of "Habitus" in the lecture "Body Techniques" by Mauss. The findings showed that Mauss's perception of Habitus as a "Total Social Fact" which has simultaneously the Psychological, Biological and the social aspects has a meaningful concordance with the interaction of the Mind, Body and Environment as a cognitive ecosystem in embodied cognition approach. Accordingly, the article claims that Habitus can be considered as one of the connecting concepts of cognitive sciences and social sciences.


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