Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Cultural Sociology, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran. Iran researcher in Iran Parliament Research Center

2 Allameh University



attention has been done in a situation where a limited number of policy orders of these programs have been successfully realized. One of the reasons for the failure of development programs is lack of attention to the category of program evaluation. despite the fact that any policy without being exposed to evaluation and modification cannot be strengthened and optimized over time and will inevitably lose its effectiveness. Based on this necessity, the present article has been compiled with the aim of identifying and clarifying the evaluation indicators of policy rulings in the field of social harms in development programs. A review of the conceptual literature of policy evaluation shows that three types of evaluation can be distinguished; Pre-evaluation, process evaluation and post-evaluation. The pre-evaluation itself can be focused on the process of formulating political rulings, the formal quality of the rulings, and the quality of their content. According to the definition of social harms and the specific nature of the involvement of people in the society with it, it seems that among the triple indicators of process, form and content, paying attention to process indicators is more important in the field of policy making in the field of social harms.


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