Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Member of the Faculty of Social Sciences,Allameh Tabataba’i University

3 Member of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University



Subjectivity is the reflexive experience of awareness and individual agency in interaction with self and the real, symbolic and institutional others. The purpose of this study is to understand the social and semantic complexities of the Kurdish women subjectivity. This study has been conducted using in-depth individual interviews, within the framework of interpretive-constructivist approach and grounded theory method. Based on the findings the subjectivity of Kurdish women can be understood through the experience of suspension as a central phenomenon. This experience was classified under the four concepts of suspension of cognition and agency, suspension of lived experience, conscious suspension of fear, and suspension as a strategy. Normative institutions, regulatory institutions, being in the minority and economic status are among the categories related to background conditions and institutional relations, experience of subjugation, social connections and resources available to the individual are considered as intervening conditions. Protection strategy, resistance strategy and negotiation were recognized as three types of strategies. by showing the complexity of subjectivity in Kurdish women's experiences, this study shows that the subjectivity of Kurdish women is slippery and combined, mixed and multiple, and in the three categories of female subjectivity, passive-unembodied-internal subjectivity vs. Embodied/active and delocalized subjectivity are placed.


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