Document Type : Research Paper



Ahmad Ghiasvand
Date of Receive: 2014/10/3
Date of Accept: 2015/4/7

Citizenship is considered one of the most important indicators of modern society. Above all, it consists of the rights and duties of citizens, including civil, political and social. Aiming to analyze the trends and Typology of citizenships in this study, the survey among people 18 years and above were conducted in Tehran. The sampling method of "multi-stage sampling", for the validity, face and construct validity and for the reliability of the test, Cronbach’s alpha were used.
Results indicate that the average of the civil rights is less than the duties of citizenship. In other words, the average score for political, social and civil rights is less than political, social and civil duties. On the other hand, according to four types of orientation towards citizenship like as active, passive, the rights and duties, four types of citizenship can be distinguished from each other:  good citizenship (20 percent) obedient citizenship (40 percent), the ideal citizenship (30 percent) and apathetic citizens (10 percent).
According to the findings, active-passive attitude with dominant feature of duties have the greatest impact on the development of citizenship. This causes a part of citizenship development from down to up, show itself in a revolutionary manner, and the other part of citizenship is considered forward, seeking partnerships, legal and useful for the society and state. So if many social, political and civil practices of society in different situations can be taken into account as the development of citizenship, it can be said that society of Iran faces with the dialectic of  the sense of citizenship (civil society), protest (civil citizenship) and ideal (political citizenship) which brings about different opportunities and threats for the society.


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