Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA of Sociology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


This study concerns the situation of sociology education in Iran through a phenomenological approach. The question is: “what is the role of sociology education in the current situation of Iran?” In this research, we tried to categorize different influential reasons on sociology conditions, and after demonstrating the importance of the teaching, we straight to the reality of sociology education without any postulated approach. The methodology is grounded theory which lets us look at this subject from a phenomenological approach. The first step is to refer to the involved actors in the education process to explain the reality as they are experiencing and living it. This plan is completed by interviewing seven professors and 15 students from three universities in Iran. These interviews are taken in open and semi-open techniques, which provided us a level of reality based on the lived experience of the actors, the consciousness of sociology teaching, classes, and the university environment. The sample size was chosen based on theoretical saturation. To analyze data, an open and axial codification was applied, and by specifying the central categories, the authors reached a conceptual ordering and a description of the current situation of sociology education in Iran.


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