Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociologyو Ferdowsi University Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Ferdowsi University Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


In the last decade, Iranian researchers in the field of sociology and management have widely used the grounded theory in their research. Given the specific features of this methodology, the main issue of the present study is that what are the strengths and weaknesses of sociological and managerial research based on grounded theory? To answer the research question the meta-method and the systematic review were used. The studied population consists of a series of articles published in international scientific journals from 2016 to 2018 that due to the focus of the research on critical methodology of grounded theory based on the approach of Strauss and Corbin, 36 articles were selected and reviewed in the source selection stage. the results of the research indicate that the researches face with fundamental problems about the criteria of “problem, the formulation of micro questions, the studied population, the explanation of the stages of data analysis in the findings select, the coincidence of data collection and analysis, category building technique, category dimensional recognition technique, named selection technique, core category selection technique, credibility, comparison with other theories and theoretical sensitivity”. These problems can be categorized into five categories of technical challenges, the theory and method gap, the distortion of the goal, the lack of knowledge of grounded theory and the paradigmatic challenge.


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