Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The issue of the immigrants’ adaptation to the destination society has always been one of the main subjects in immigration studies attracting researchers and politicians. Like any other immigrant community, Iranian diaspora in France whose presence in the country goes back at least to the Qajar period are struggling to adapt to their new society. The theme of cultural adaptation involving from complete rejection to total conformity it puts people in different positions on the spectrum, obviously, people from both ends of the spectrum usually make up a few number of immigrants and most of this community is between these two places. Different generations are also facing their own challenges; the first generation is engaged with cultural rebuilding and reconstruction. The second generation is struggling with identity issues that are much deeper and more complex than the first generation. The third generation has neither integration nor identity problem, and generally, the extent of his connection to the original community depends only on the efforts of his family, otherwise he could be a French citizen or a universal citizen without hometown in the true sense of the word. In this article, the researcher tries to present his anthropological analysis, regarding his own experienced life and the observations and interviews he has had in France, in more than five years.


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