Ali Feizolahi; Somayeh sadat Shafiei; khalil kamarbeigi; Zahra Raiisi
The purpose of this study is to identify the reasons and consequences of experiencing violence in the lives of battered women. The research is qualitative and based on the method of grounded theory. The target population of the research is the battered women who refer to the social ...
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The purpose of this study is to identify the reasons and consequences of experiencing violence in the lives of battered women. The research is qualitative and based on the method of grounded theory. The target population of the research is the battered women who refer to the social emergency of the Behzisti⸴s organization of Ilam city, and a sample of 24 of them has been selected using the purposive sampling method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and then coding. Findings indicate the role of familial factors such as learned violence, problematic marriage practices; Social and Economical factors; and intervening factors such as mutual infidelity and deviancy have been two-way. Women's reactions are mainly actions containing passivity, and the usual perception of the role of a continuous victim for women is its consequence. The core category of "domestic violence against women is the product of the interaction of women's experience of economic deprivation and the social structure of men's idea of patriarchy" which is the result of family management in the context of maintaining the functions of patriarchal culture along with the structural transmission of violence in the cultural mechanism.Keywords: Domestic Violence, Patriarchal Culture, Aggrieved Woman, Ilam. IntroductionThe domestic violence against women has had a history in society in during of centuries. Thus domestic violence against women is one of the social issues that can be seen in all societies and numerous reports have confirmed this issue in Iran as well. in general, it has affected the institution of the family and the society. but it has been discussed mainly as a social issue in the last century. “Typically, social problems have been thought of as social situations that a large number of observers felt were inappropriate and needed remedying” (Eitzen, Zinn and Smith, 2012:9(.Some theories consider the subject of domestic violence to be problematic as a modern matter and consider it to be a problem arising from the perception and understanding of the society and important social groups of its problematic nature. The researches conducted in recent years about the different types of violence indicate that domestic violence against women is problematic. the main goal of this research is to understand the phenomenon of domestic violence from the perspective of women who have experienced violence. Therefore, the research questions revolve around the subject under which causal conditions and contexts have the subjects been victims of spousal violence? What strategies did they used to deal with these violent acts and what consequences did bring to them? Literature ReviewThe theories and theoretical concepts whose main core is to explain the matter of violence against women can be grouped into two main categories: some of them have emphasized the individual characteristics of perpetrators and victims of violence, and others have emphasized the structural characteristics of society. In this research, the following concepts have been selected to create theoretical sensitivity: resources and power imbalance; blaming the victim (Gracia & Tomás, 2014), learned violence (Jasinski,2001), the ideology of male dominance (Goode, 1971: quoted by Kim and Sung, 2000), feminist perspective (Renzetti, Edleson & Bergen, 2001), exchange theory (Turner, 2014), The Battered Woman Syndrome (Walker:1984), the concepts of forced control (Stark, 2007), resource imbalance, dependence and bargaining power (Kim and Gray, 2008) have been selected and have been considered in the analysis of research findings.MethodologyThe research is qualitative and based on the method of grounded theory. The target population of the research is the battered women who refer to the social emergency of the Behzisti⸴s organization of Ilam city, and a sample of 24 of them has been selected using the purposive sampling method. Acceptability criteria has been used for validation and being trustworthy was achieved through auditing method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and then coding.ResultsFindings indicate the role of familial factors such as learned violence, problematic marriage practices, Lack of familial support; Social factors such as the patriarchal image, erosion of social capital; Economic factors such as coincidence of Livelihood hardships; and intervening factors such as Interference of others, mutual infidelity and deviancy have been two-way. Women's reactions are mainly actions containing passivity, and Victimization of children, scared life and usual perception of the role of a victim for women is its consequence.ConclusionThe result of the process of domestic violence against women can be analyzed under the title "Domestic violence against women is a product of the incompatibility of the institutional interaction caused by the experience of economic deprivation of women and the social structure of patriarchy in the victim-blaming society". The incompatibility of institutional interaction indicates the malfunctioning of the social institutions of the family, economy and cultural system in the target society of the study. In other words, when the patriarchal postulate mixes with the lived experience of women's economic deprivation and immingled with the cultural approach of blaming the victim society, it causes the situational violence against women to be ignored. In addition, it should be noted that such a phenomenon occurs in a society where tradition and modernity are continuously interacting with each other. Tradition and modernity are co-integrated in this society in such a way that they form an interwoven mosaic society that is experiencing the challenges of modernization and types of individualization. The permanence and stability of the idea of patriarchy in this society is rooted in the way that women in such a society link traditional expectations with modern life. In other words, this particular type of social and cultural structure as well as women's selective strategies against domestic violence, along with the destructive consequences of violence on women's lives, leads to continuation of the cultural foundations of accepting domestic violence against women.