nader salar zadeh amiri; seyed hasan hoseyni
Volume 16, Issue 44 , May 2009, , Pages 49-88
Economic, Cultural & Social capitals are considered as worthwhile sources in every society. According to sociological theories, a combination of these capitals, determines the socio-economic status of peoples and the measure of these capitals' possession decide the situation of everyone in social ...
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Economic, Cultural & Social capitals are considered as worthwhile sources in every society. According to sociological theories, a combination of these capitals, determines the socio-economic status of peoples and the measure of these capitals' possession decide the situation of everyone in social stratification. Again, According to sociological theories the socio-economic status of peoples affects their attitudes towards different issues. Therefore the measure of different capitals· possession shapes peoples' attitudes towards social issues. On the other hand social justice refers to the special way that these capitals are distributed. How ersity and a stratified sampling control based on sex was drawn (n = 371 ). he results demonstrate that there is relationship between students' attitudes towards social justice and their possession different capitals. And the role of economic & cultural capital is more important than social capita in shaping such attitude. Students tend to the equality approach more than proportion and in the final analysis higher status students rather show most tendencies tu Economic Individualism and it is same about students who possess more economic capital. Students who possess more cultural capital have more tendencies towards proportion approach than others. Also students with higher social capital tend towards Equity approach. Sex & age also affect students· attitudes.