Document Type : Research Paper



The technology related to the construction and use of Qanats developed in Iran since ancient times to take advantage of the underground water resources in arid regions. In most cases however, Qanats are more than just a,vay of using underground water. They represent a unique and integrative system of indigenous knowledge and wisdom in sustainable management of land, water, and agricultural biodiversity, as well as extensive collaboration in agricultural communities. At present, many tacrors threaten the Qanat systems in Iran as well as worldwide. Climate change, increasing risks of desertification, over-consumption of freshwater resources, Introduction of DC\' technologies, as well as inadequate policies have all contributed to the degradation of ingenious system or Qanat construction ancJ maintenance. Studying Qanat system in Kashan area in Iran reveals that there is an urgent need for the protection and revival of the existing network or Qanat systems in arid regions of Iran and worldwide,
